
What’s the Point of Self-Improvement Anyway?

There’s a paradox with self-improvement and it is this: the ultimate goal of all self-improvement is to reach the point where you no longer feel the need to improve yourself. Think about it: The whole goal of improving your productivity is to reach the point where you never have to think about how to be more productive. The whole point of pursuing happiness is to reach the point where…

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How To Become Ridiculously Self-Aware In 20 Minutes

So, you’re asking how to become more self aware, right? Let me tell you a story. Four years ago my sister got me something that would dramatically alter the direction of my life. In fact, it was probably the most influential gift I’ve ever received. It would help me find my true calling, become a writer at the Huffington Post, and go on a 5-month road…

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How to be 1% Better Every Day

What is Continuous Improvement? Let’s define continuous improvement. Continuous improvement is a dedication to making small changes and improvements every day, with the expectation that those small improvements will add up to something significant. The typical approach to self-improvement is to set a large goal, then try to take big leaps in order to accomplish the goal in as little time as possible. While this…

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Stop Ignoring These 7 Inspiring Truths

People know who they have the potential to be. The challenge is seeing that process through. Self-development is an art. It takes time. It requires patience. It asks you to step outside your comfort zone. It is challenging–and that’s the point. However, the biggest challenge when it comes to self-development is the process itself. People really struggle with the path and all its twists and…

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